With its large experience in population warning sirens and industrial sonic cleaning systems, our company is at your service (consulting, engineering study, development and maintenance) to find the most suitable solution that covers your needs; an end-to-end service.
Orson France
Specialist of high and low output efficiency sirens
Orson France
The most complete range of emergency population warning sirens
ORSON offers the most complete range of warning sirens, solutions to prevent all kind of risks: naturals, explosives, fires, floods, nuclear, PPI and POI sirens, evacuation, roundup, siren for CITIES, FIRE DEPARTMENTS and National Alert System.
PPI and POI sirens, evacuation, roundup, siren for CITIES, FIRE DEPARTMENTS and National Alert System.
ORSON France
Global Solutions
Consulting, engineering, commissioning and maintenance
Consulting, engineering, commissioning and maintenance
Engineering, study, consulting and installation of acoustic solutions
PPI/POI Emergency Population Warning Sirens, sound and air cleaning systems.
+33 (0)1 40 20 07 39